All the information and documents available in this website are not, and should not be considered, investment recommendation, security analysis, promotional material, participation in any business strategy, solicitation/offer/sales effort or distribution of quotes in investment funds. The information and material here do not constitute advisory service in relation to the investment alternatives and other topics present in these documents. Bayes Capital Management does not represent that all the information available here, including any third party information, is accurate and complete and it should not be relied upon as such. The information and documents available here are merely informative and don’t consider investment objectives, financial situation and individual needs of each investor, and they don’t contain all the information a potential investor should have and analyze before investing in a fund. We recommend a careful reading of the fund prospectus before investing. The decision to invest should be based exclusively on the investor choice, and on professional hired by the investor to decide which investments are appropriate to his risk profile, including costs considerations. The investment funds mentioned in this document can use strategies that can result in significant capital loss. The loss may even be higher than the initial investment, in which case the investor may be liable to cover the loss. The investment funds mentioned here are not guaranteed by the fund administrator, the portfolio manager, or by any form of insurance or government fund. Performance is not guaranteed. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance.