
Systematic fund based on equity risk factor models, with more than 100 positions and high diversification on individual stocks and sectors.

This equity risk factor strategy for the Brazilian market was developed in 2010 by Bayes CM partners who founded Principia in 2004. Track record for the long only version (FIA) starts in 2015 outperforming the Ibovespa index by 10% per annum.

Fund with more than 100 positions and high diversification on individual stocks and sectors. Expected beta below one. The objective of this fund is to generate a Sharpe ratio above one, considering a tracking error around 10% against the Ibovespa index.

We developed continuously new risk factors, looking for alternatives sources of diversification.

Fund is in accordance of resolutions 3,922 and 4,661 from the Brazilian Central Bank, which is also targeted to institutional clients such as local pension funds.

Historical returns


Return 3 months


Return YTD


Since inception

* since 29/07/2020